What is an EICR?

An EICR is an "Electrical Installation Condition Report".

Where we remember that any gas appliances (boilers and fires etc) need to be regularly checked for safety we tend to forget about the electrical installation within our homes or businesses. Often many years can pass before an installation is checked by a qualified electrician.

The report is designed to provide information on an electrical installation and to indicate whether it is safe to continue using the installation.

Where an installation is judged to be "Unsatisfactory" and that improvement recommendations are made these should be completed within 28 days from the date of the report where possible.

The installation will be assessed and the report will potentially have a variety of codes indicating the severity of the issue: these codes are C1, C2, C3 or FI. These codes are in order of severity and the meanings are explained on the report. Any C1, C2 or FI codes will render the installation unsafe. Where are code hasĀ  been listed against and item a reference to the BS7671 Wiring Regulations should be provided.

For more serious issues the inspecting electrician may require more immediate attention to the issue they are raising or may take immediate remedial action if there is danger present

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